A touch screen or capacitive touch screen is a combination of an input and output unit. The touch screen is most often layered over an integrated data processing unit (ID) of a computer system. The screen is most often an organic LED or LCD screen while the unit is most often a touch-sensitive tablet, laptop, or smartphone. Touch screens can be implemented in many different ways. The most popular type of touch screen is a capacitive one where a charge is passed through the display when you press it.

Capacitive touch screen displays offer excellent image clarity and dependable color reproduction. However, they are susceptible to finger motion and do not register the same touch points every time the user presses the screen. They also have poor resistance to being stepped up and down by finger or even held by hand.
The resistive touch screen has much better resistance to finger pressure, but they are prone to wear and tear. This makes them unsuitable for high-end use in rugged applications. Non-resistance means that the touch screen will still bend around minor movements of your fingers but they cannot be easily bent into tiny areas like the buttons on your keyboard. The touch screens with rubberized skins are made from a material that has a thermally insulating properties. This helps to keep the screen from over heating which can lead to extended life.
One of the problems with capacitive touch screen technology is that users are comfortable pressing a button even if their finger is uncomfortable. The resistive touch screen works by detecting changes in electrical current based on how you place your finger on the display. When you push the button, the electrical current changes and the display shows a new image. The problem is that finger pressing can cause a lot of heat to be generated, making it uncomfortable for the finger and reducing the battery life of the device. In order to reduce this problem, many manufacturers have included a fingerprint sensor or a resistive edge switch to help alleviate the heat issue.
Capacitive touch screen devices generally have two electrical circuits. One circuit takes the electrical charge from your finger and alters it based on how you are pushing the finger. This results in a different amount of electric charge being placed on your finger for each different push. This can cause the finger to heat up and cause the display to burn out quickly if too much current is put through. Also, the small amount of electrical charge that gets passed along the finger to the screen may create a short circuit and short out the device.
A resistive touch screen works differently. Instead of having two electrical circuits working against each other to change the charge, it uses a thin layer of metal (or sometimes just a layer of plastic) that acts like a resistive charge barrier. When you touch the screen, you are passing an electric charge down from the surface acoustic wave into the pad. Because of this change in the electrical charge, the finger’s actual touch with the device is much less noticeable.
Most people do not need touch screens to make their lives easier. These devices are most beneficial to businesspeople and healthcare professionals that interact with their computer and other electronic devices on a regular basis. Touch screens are also quite helpful to small children who are frequently touching objects in and around the room. Touch screen protectors are available in several different sizes to fit most sizes of devices and fingers. These protective pads are easy to use and can prevent small hands from damaging electronic equipment.
Resistive touch screen protectors are available in a number of different materials including metal, plastics, and glass. They are quite durable and should withstand many drops and bumps that would otherwise reduce the effectiveness of the device’s protection. The material it is made out of should be resistant to abrasion and breakage. This will ensure the device’s protection even when it is used often. Since they rely on electrical charges to conductive material, they will not work on items that are not electrical in nature.